Sutra 1.18

Oct 4, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

virāma-pratyaya-abhyāsa-pūrvaḥ saṁskāra-śeṣo-‘nyaḥ

TRANSLATION: Objectless samadhi (asamprajnata samadhi) is the other form of deep concentration wherein no object is focused upon, fluctuations of mind have ceased and only imprints in the subconscious remain.

1. virāma: cessation, stoppage,
2. pratyaya: material-thought processes
3. abhyāsa: practice
4. pūrvaḥ: earlier, before
5. saṁskāra: latent impressions, past memories
6. śeṣaḥ: remaining, traces
7. anyaḥ: the other

In this sutra, Patanjali tries to describe the higher state of samadhi. The lower state of samadhi was described in sutra 1.17
This higher state of samadhi, asamprajnata samadhi, is known as the super experience or super consciousness and the end of normal experience. In this state, there is absolutely no thought waves present. This region, of not a normal human experience, is called anyaḥ and is experienced in deep meditation.

Once the aspirant experiences this type of samadhi, Patanjali explains that there is a residue effect. After the practitioner has spent some time in anyaḥ, the practitioner will come back a transformed person. That experience will be stored as saṁskāra in our system.